Brittany Garner

Vice President, Programs


A licensed social worker, Brittany’s (she/her) background includes time at Georgia Equality, running the Youth HIV Policy Advisors program. After receiving her Master’s Degree in Social Work with a concentration in Community Partnerships, she was the Deputy Director for Programs for a service provider that caters to the needs of LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness in Georgia. Brittany oversaw the implementation of all programs and outreach, particularly serving southern rural youth. Brittany recently worked at the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC) where she spearheaded the creation and implementation of a youth action board with rural youth, youth coordinated entry, as well as rapid rehousing and host homes. Brittany is an instructor at Georgia State University’s School of Social Work. She is thrilled to take her skills and knowledge to work with rural communities that may have otherwise felt left behind and unsupported, building resources in rural areas is essential to ending youth homelessness.    


Andrew Gutierrez III


Slaynne De La Cruz